We all have used log4j in multiple scenarios and it serves the purpose. There are cases when we don’t want the logger statements from few classes or few packages to clutter the log files. Some other cases, we want the logger statement to be printed in only one log file and not in all log files. These are 2 different cases and I will explain solution for both of the requirements.
Requirement 1: Don’t print the log statements in any of the configured log files. Consider a scenario where we have configured 4 -5 log files at different levels and for different purposes. If we don’t want the logger statement from the classes in a particular package or particular class to appear in any of these log files, we have to use the following syntax.
log4j.category.com.pack1 = INFO, appender2
# set additivity to false to ensure that the parent appenders do not log these statements
log4j.additivity.pack2 =false
The above line means that the logger statement from pack2 will be present only in appender1 log file and not in appender2 log file. This is because the logger file is configured for appender2 as well as appender1. That means the logger statement got printed only in the specific log file and not in its parent appenders.
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