As per the delegation contract, a class should be attempted to be loaded by the parent class loader. If the parent class loader cannot load the class, the request should then be handed over to the child class loader. The process will continue till the class loader which originally received the request to load the class. Still if the class cannot be located in the classpath, a ClassNotFoundException is thrown. The request will not be transmitted to the child class loaders of the class loader which originally received the request to load the class.
Say we have 4 class loaders with names as shown below. ClassLoaderX, ClassLoaderY, ClassLoaderA, ClassLoaderB. The relations between them are shown below
When the JVM starts, all classes accessible from /x/data can be loaded by the ClassLoaderX. Then the control is transferred to ClassLoaderY, which can load the classes present under /y/data folder. The control is transferred to ClassLoaderA as well as to ClassLoaderB which can load the classes under /a/data and /b/data. The classes loaded by the parent class will not be loaded by the child class loader again as the child class loader will check if the classes are already loaded by any of its parent class loaders.
Now when the ClassLoaderB gets a request to load a class, it will delegate the request to its parent class loader i.e. ClassLoaderY. The ClassLoaderY will delegate the request to its parent classloader ClassLoaderX. Since ClassLoaderX does not have any parent class loader, it will try to load the class from its classpath i.e. /x/data. If the class is present in its classpath, it will load the class. If it cannot find the class in its classpath, the request is delegated to the child classloader i.e. ClassLoaderY. The ClassLoaderY will attempt to load the class from its classpath /y/data. If it finds the class, the class will be loaded by the ClassLoaderY. If it cannot find the class, the request is delegated to the ClassLoaderB. ClassLoaderB will attempt to load the class from its classpath. If it cannot find the class in its classpath, the request cannot be delegated to the child classloader of ClassLoaderB. Instead it will throw a ClassNotFoundException.
Consider a scenario where the following jar packaging is done. Class P is having Class Q as its super class. Class Q refers to Class R. P is packaged in p.jar and placed in /b/data folder. Q is packaged in q.jar file and placed under /x/data folder and R is packaged in r.jar and placed in /b/data folder. Can you guess what happens!
ClassLoaderB will try to load P and it will load the class after ClassLoaderY and X attempts to load it. Since P has Q as the super class, ClassLoaderB will attempt to load it. Q will be loaded by ClassLoaderX as Q is placed in the classpath of ClassLoaderX. Now Q refers to R and hence ClassLoaderX tries to load it. It will give ClassNotFoundException as r.jar is not present in classpath of ClassLoaderX. As per the policy, the loader should not delegate the request to child classloader and hence ClassLoaderB will never be asked to load R.
If a class is already loaded by the parent classloader, the child classloader will not attempt to load the class again. However some application servers have written custom classloaders which override these features. Another point to note is that the same class will be loaded by ClassLoaderA and ClassLoaderB if the class is placed in their classpath. This is because the classloader always checks its parent for loaded classes but not its children or siblings.
Java has got bootstrap classloader, extension classloader and application classloader by default. Bootstrap classloader can be mapped to ClassLoaderX, extension classloader can be mapped to ClassLoaderY and application classloader can be mapped to ClassLoaderB in the example above.
Few pointers
- Do not place the jars in the bootstrap classpath or the extension classpath just to make the application work. It will create issues which might surface later.
- Packaging the application is important because it impacts the class loading order too. All related classes should be packaged together or the proper documentation should be provided as to what order the jars should be loaded.
- Place common utility jars and common files in common classloaders path. However caution should be taken if they are supposed to be used in an independent manner. For e.g.:, if loaded by parent classloader, the properties file present in the child classloader path will never be considered and might give annoying results.