In my Elastic Search instance, I add a few POI's. This can be done using the REST API's provided by Elastic Search. Since we need to support Geo Spatial Searching, before we insert the data, we need to create the index and also set the correct mapping.
Step 1: Create the index on which the POI's will be added.
HTTP PUT Request : http://localhost:9200/pois/
You should recieve a 200 response code confirming that the index got created.
Step 2: Associate the correct mapping to the POI type
HTTP PUT Request : http://localhost:9200/pois/poi/_mapping
"poi" :
"properties" :
"name": {type:"string"},
"location" : {"type" : "geo_point"},
"zipcode" : {"type" : "string"},
"rating" : {"type" : "integer"}
Step 3: Add the POI's into the index.
a. Create POI - Eiffel Tower
"poi" :
"location" :
"lat" : 48.858221,
"lon" : 2.294553
"name" : "Eiffel Tower",
"rating" : "5",
"id" : "1",
"city" : "Paris",
"zipcode" : "75007"
"poi" :
"location" :
"lat" : 41.889947,
"lon" : 12.492718
"name" : "Piazza del Colosseo",
"rating" : "5",
"id" : "2",
"city" : "Rome",
"zipcode" : "00184"
"poi" :
"location" :
"lat" : 48.870643,
"lon" : 2.77531
"name" : "Disney Land Paris",
"rating" : "5",
"id" : "3",
"city" : "Paris",
"zipcode" : "77700"
"poi" :
"location" :
"lat" : 40.689766,
"lon" : -74.045688
"name" : "Statue of Liberty",
"rating" : "5",
"id" : "4",
"city" : "Newyork",
"zipcode" : "10004"
Step 4: Now the actual search
a. Search within a specific distance from a centre (Details - )
Find all the POI's within 1200 KM from the Location identified by 47,2.29.
b. Search with in a Range from the center (Details -
Find all POI's within 300KM and 1200KM from the Location identified by 47,2.29.
The Sort block in the below request is added to know the actual distance from the queried location.
"sort" :
"_geo_distance" : {
"poi.location" : {
"lat" : 47,
"lon" : 2.29
"order" : "asc",
"unit" : "km"
"query" :
"filtered" :
"query" :
"match_all" : {}
"filter" :
"geo_distance" :
"distance" : "1200km",
"poi.location" :
"lat" : 47,
"lon" : 2.29
The response would be :